The training of doctoral students at EDCSV
During the three years of the thesis, the doctoral student must complete and broaden his or her training by following training modules.
Each Phd student must complete 120 flat-rate hours (HF) of training :
- 1/3 scientific training
- 1/3 of professionnal integration training courses
- 1/3 of cross functionnal training courses
Special situations
- Doctoral students enrolled in the course Doctorant Manager à l'IAE will only have to do the 40 HF of scientific training.
- Doctoral students employed throughout the duration of their thesis, excluding contracts linked to the thesis, (teachers, PRAG, AHU,...) will only have to complete 60 HF of training (40h in scientific training and 20h in cross functionnal training).
- Joint thesis supervision doctoral students: according to the agreement .
- Doctoral students in CIFRE thesis will have to complete 40 hours in scientific training and 40 hours in cross-functionnal training.
- Phd students from EMBL have their owns courses to attend.
These trainings are offered by :
- Doctoral School in the page calendrier de notre site ADUM (most of the closed formations are renewed the following year),
- But also by the service formation et poursuite de carrière
Scientific training
Participation in training workshops (INSERM, CNRS...), summer and winter schools or postgraduate courses (Master2 courses) offered by French or foreign universities counts in hours of scientific training.Animal Experimentation Training Level I and II: (as soon as registration opens, you will receive a message for the registration procedure) 30HF in scientific training and 10 HF in transversal training.
NB: Lectures, oral presentations, posters, or publications are not training.
Professionnal integration training
- Doctoriales : 40HF
- Stage TRE : 21HF
- Entrepreneuriat de A à Z : 24 HF
- Biotechno : 6HF
- Internship in a professional environment (at least 3 months) : 18HF
- International stay (excluding joint thesis and at least 3 months) : 18HF
The teaching hours done by doctoral students are counted in hours of professionnal integration training (HF) with application of the rule of 1/3 (number of teaching hours /3) and a maximum ceiling of 40 HF and on the CONDITION of following at least one pedagogical training course which must be validated by the service formation.
Cross functional training courses
A day of safety training is mandatory in your laboratory or with the "Jeudis de la sécurité" (following every "Jeudis de la sécurité" is not mandatory), the number of hours of training = the number of HF acquired (10 HF maximum).During your thesis, you must follow a training on scientific and ethical integrity. This training is now validated by the Collège Doctoral.
This is an exception in the procedure. To validate it, please send the certificate of attendance to
The supervision of students in bachelor or master 1 counts 6 to 10 HF maximum in transverse training on presentation of a certificate from your thesis director (the supervision of master 2 does not give HF).
Participation in the organization of the Fête de la Sciences or other events: 4 to 8 HF maximum (and 20h maximum over the duration of your thesis)
The organization of the annual Doctoral Students' Day: 8 HF
Learning a foreign language (or French for non-French speakers): number of hours followed = number of HF acquired (40 HF maximum).
Validation of modules and equivalencies
Training courses are validated directly on your adum account.
There are two cases:
- Your training is part of the ADUM catalogue, it will be automatically validated when you have answered the evaluation questionnaire.
- For non-catalogue modules, go to your ADUM account, personal space, training section, add a module not listed in the catalogue.
- Enter :
- the title of the module,
- the hourly volume,
- and download the certificate of attendance in PDF format only.
This system will allow you to follow your journey as closely as possible, directly in your adum profile:
- the types of training you have taken
- the number of hours assigned to you
No credit can be validated without a certificate.
To be valid, a certificate must state :
- your full name,
- the title of the course,
- the dates and hourly volume of the training
- the signature of the person in charge of training.
Registration for the modules organised by the Doctoral School is done directly with the people whose contact details are specified at the level of each training module.
Published on October 17, 2023
Updated on April 10, 2024
Updated on April 10, 2024