Apply to the EDCSV competition


In order to be eligible for a doctoral contract, you must hold a French Research Master's degree (as of October 1st of the year of the competition) or an equivalent diploma.
The files of candidates who are eligible for the competition and hold a foreign degree or a French professional Master's degree will be submitted to the equivalence commission of the doctoral college (the ED will be in charge of this phase, which will therefore be transparent for the candidates).

Terms and conditions of the Competition

The policy for awarding these contracts is based on the excellence of the candidates regardless of any thematic or laboratory orientation. The selection and awarding procedure for UGA doctoral contracts is based on competition and includes the steps described below, according to the calendar provided at the bottom of the page. Access to the competition is reserved in priority to students who have obtained (or will obtain) their master's degree in the year of the competition.

1 - Candidate on a thesis subject in order to obtain a doctoral contract :

The list of thesis subjects proposed by the laboratories is available on the following link: «Propositions de sujets de thèse». You must apply directly on the thesis subject of your choice and fill in an application form containing a summary of your university course, the traineeships you have completed and a covering letter.

The following documents must be uploaded in your application area as a single pdf document:

A Curriculum Vitae
  • A copy of the candidate's university degrees
  • Transcripts for the last 3 academic years including the 1st semester of Master 2 (or engineer) with average and rank in the class for each degree (official document required). If the exact ranking cannot be given, a ranking order must be provided (e.g.: first 25%, first third...). Files without a ranking will not be eligible for the competition.
Don't forget to click on "Finalize my application."

If the thesis director is interested in your application, he will contact you for an interview. If, following this interview, the thesis director accepts your application, he will sign the application form and validate your application on the ADUM website.

Then, your supervisor should send the scanned copy of the signed application form to

2 - Eligibility for the competition: selection on files

All applications will be examined by a committee of 12 people (4 members of the EDCSV bureau, the heads of the Master of Chemistry and Biology, 3 council members and 3 doctoral students elected from the council).

The committee will select the top 30 to 35 applications, based on the candidates' academic results. The quality of the competition is such that a candidate who is not in the first quarter of the ranking of his/her M1 and M2-S3 master's degree is unlikely to be selected. Once the selection has been made, the counters are reset for the next phase (audition) and the successful candidates will be evaluated mainly on their qualities of presentation and defence of their M2 internships and thesis projects.

3 - Interview of candidates

Previously selected candidates are audited by the selection board. The jury is composed of 15 voting members representing the main EDCSV disciplines (including at least 3 external members). The jury also includes tellers (non-voting: the EDCSV director and 1 or 2 representatives of the doctoral students) responsible for ensuring the regularity of the hearings.

The audition lasts 20 minutes (10 minutes of presentation by the candidate in which he or she retraces his or her background, the M2 research internship, the thesis project and his or her motivation for the research, followed by 10 minutes of questions by the jury).

The audition can be held in English or French. Videoconferences are not allowed.

Each candidate will have to provide the EDCSV secretariat, within a week before the audition, 2 pages describing his/her M2 project and one page on the thesis project. These documents will be made available to the jury.

Provide a presentation in PDF format, on a USB key. For more security, we recommend that candidates send their presentation, at the latest the day before the competition (before noon), to the EDCSV secretariat.

The results are published on the ED website after validation of the ranking by the ED council.

Calendar 2024 :

  • Deadline for validation of applications (favourable validation on adum + sending the application form signed by the thesis director to April 12th, 2024 12:00 a.m.
  • Selection of candidates: 29th April 2024
  • Interview of candidates: 6th and 7th June 2024
Published on  October 17, 2023
Updated on May 7, 2024