Doing a PhD thesis

ED CSV - PhD Ceremony 2023
The Thesis: in France, PhD studies correspond to a research training course leading to the degree of Doctor. It is prepared in three years.

The PhD is a real professional experience, allowing to open up to other practices such as management and communication. It allows access to careers in public or private research, but also in all sectors that require a spirit of analysis and synthesis, rigour, autonomy, creativity, perseverance and the implementation of complex issues. The preparation of a PhD is a demanding work that involves different actors and engages the PhD student in high-level scientific research.

Applications and registrations

Consult the necessary procedures to apply and then register for a thesis at the EDCSV.

Apply to the EDCSV competition

The selection and award procedure for AGU doctoral contracts is based on a competitive process. Access to the competition is reserved in priority for students who have just completed their Master's degree.

Training courses

During the three years of the thesis, the doctoral student must complete and expand his or her training by following training modules. Each doctoral student must complete 120 flat-rate hours (HF) of training.

Thesis proposals

Consult the EDCSV's thesis proposals on the school's ADUM site.

The Thesis Monitoring Committee  (Comité de Suivi Individuel, CSI)

The objective of the CSI is to have a better follow-up of your thesis work by making sure that the objectives set at the beginning of the thesis are progressing in the right direction and that the commitments of the supervisor/doctoral student are well respected.


Consult the regulations concerning defenses as well as the list of steps to follow until your defense.

Your personnal space (ADUM)

update your profile, registrations, job offers, directories...

Demande de césure

Procédure et formulaire de demande de césure
Published on  October 16, 2023
Updated on November 14, 2023